Sunday, March 17, 2024
The sermon is from Mark 14:12-25 – “The Last Passover; the First Lord’s Supper”. “Is it I?” – Mark 14:19
Try to imagine the scene described for us in Mark 14. In verses 17-21, Jesus is reclining at the table with his disciples and eating the Passover meal. This was probably his third Passover meal with them and one of many meals he shared with them over the course of his ministry. While many of these meals were marked by joy and gladness, a dark, ominous cloud descended on this one when Jesus said, “… one of you will betray me, ….” What an unsettling prediction! And what an honest question, “Is it I?” All of us have seeds of such betrayal in our hearts. May God in grace grant to us “a pure heart, and a good conscience, and a sincere faith.” (1 Tim. 1:5)
Sunday Service Streamed Live at 11:00 AM – – Hickory Withe PCA