The sermon is from Mark 1:1-15–”Repent!”. “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” – Mark 1:1
The Gospel According to Mark starts rather abruptly. Matthew and Luke’s Gospels begin with their famous birth narratives. John’s Gospel immediately asserts Christ’s divine and human nature. But Mark, as I heard one preacher say, is “the Gospel without a Christmas.” He completely skips over the birth of Jesus; and he quotes the familiar Old Testament “forerunner” passages (Malachi 3:1; Isaiah 40:3). Then, Mark launches into the ministry of John the Baptist, the baptism of Jesus Christ, the wilderness temptation, and the beginning of Christ’s earthly ministry. Mark writes with urgency; the kingdom of heaven is at hand; such urgency is still appropriate – “the kingdom of heaven is at hand!”
Sunday Service Streamed Live at 11:00 AM – – Hickory Withe PCA